I have never been under the illusion that socialists differed from communists or fascists in anything but power, and I witnessed the take over of the Democrat party by socialists during my lifetime. Previously, the Democrats had been the pro-slavery, Jacksonian trail-of-tears, Wilsonian Progressives, but with the coming of FDR, they degenerated into full-blown Mussolini socialists, hindered only by the Constitution and the unwillingness of the voting public to yield to class-envy or race-hatred.
Americans are both more religious and more well educated than our European brethren, especially illiterate Russians of 1918 or agnostic Germans of 1925, and so the false idolatry of Utopia had less appeal here.
The legal engineering genius of our Constitutional system cannot be underestimated. The English, with their informal constitution, based on tradition, could not withstand the creeping corruption of Fabian socialism, nor fend off the ‘Open Conspiracy’ of figures like HG Wells and GB Shaw (https://tinyurl.com/mrzzs9jp)
Socialists depend on falsehood for power. The wolf is always under sheep’s clothing. So they have made, over the decades, careful and scientific studies into falsehood, into agitation and propaganda techniques, mass-brainwashing, crowd psychology. Socialism turns sane people into pathological, sociopathic liars, lacking all trace of honesty or empathy.
One can see an example of Socialist agit-prop techniques here. This is a stillshot of the Orwellian-named “Beautiful Trouble” website, talking about power mapping: https://tinyurl.com/2f938fxa