Aeons Near and Far Archive

Lone Soldier in Paradise — Two: Shooting the Moon

Posted October 8, 2021 By John C Wright

This is the second time in over a decade I have forgotten to post my weekly installment of a story when due. With my apologies, I present it now. I hope the gentle reader is in a forgiving mood.

Lone Soldier in Paradise part Two: Shooting the Moon is now posted.

Atkins fires a test shot. No shots have been fired in answer in countless thousands and tens of thousands of years, yet he keeps his weapons ready.

With wine bowl in hand, and steps outside to view the sunset, and sees the fire between the horns of the moon.

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Lone Soldier in Paradise — One: Counting the Hours

Posted September 29, 2021 By John C Wright

Note: the following is a tale of the Golden Oecumene, as seen in my trilogy THE GOLDEN AGE. Previously unpublished, it is fated first to appear in  ALL MEN DREAM OF EARTHWOMEN AND OTHER AEONS, and is made available here in preview, as a courtesy to my readers.

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Lone Soldier in Paradise is now posted.

In the Golden Age, when all the dreams and ambitions godlike men can reach have been achieved, and war is a forgotten dream, one solitary soldier stands watch over the dreamers.

Atkins talks to ghosts of glory, and counts his coins of time.

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Judgement Eve: Verse 8 Antediluvians

Posted September 22, 2021 By John C Wright

Judgement Eve Verse 8 Antediluvians is now posted.

In which the Judgment comes, and these events move to their tragic and inevitable end. Worlds fail, but the human spirit endures.

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A new tale from another aeon, near or far, will be posted in this space next week.


Judgement Eve: Verse 7 Ducaleon

Posted September 15, 2021 By John C Wright

Judgement Eve Verse 7 Ducaleon is now posted.

In which the Exemplar of the Will gives the verdict of the stars, that Ducaleon alone of all flesh is held worthy of life; and the son of Ducaleon must doom himself to heaven or earth.


Judgement Eve: Verse 6 Urael

Posted September 8, 2021 By John C Wright

This may be the first time in five years I’ve forgotten to post my Wednesday episode of an ongoing serial. This is peculiar, because I remembered to post the week before, despite being a hectic day when two of my boys were off to college, one for the first time; and remembered the week before that, when I was on vacation.

Judgement Eve Verse 6 Urael is now posted.

In which passion and fury impels mad tumult as a man of earth and a man of the stars clash in fiery conflict for love of a dark-eyed woman, shattering and burning the surrounding towers and shrines.

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Judgement Eve: Verse 5 Mehujael

Posted August 25, 2021 By John C Wright

Judgement Eve Verse 5 Mehujael is now posted.

In which Idomenes comes to the splendid mountaintop city of those found worthy of life: and finds empty the golden streets.


Judgement Eve: Verse 4 Crimptyphon

Posted August 18, 2021 By John C Wright

Judgement Eve Verse 4 Crimptyphon is now posted.

In which the beautiful daughter of the evil scientist is abducted by a dark angel. Idomenes, albeit innocent of the sinful instincts of base mankind, learns the meaning of wrath.

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Judgement Eve: Verse 3 Harlequin

Posted August 11, 2021 By John C Wright

Judgement Eve Verse 3 Harlequin is now posted.

In which Idomenes discovers his lover is pregnant with a child not his own. Away in wrath he strides, seeking murder, and is aided in his hunt by one disguised as a harlequin clown.

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Judgement Eve: Verse 2 Lillimara

Posted August 4, 2021 By John C Wright

Judgement Eve is now posted.

In which the love of a Promethean is offered to a fair and scornful daughter of Typhon, whose beauty is beyond peer.

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Judgement Eve: Verse 1 Golgolundra

Posted July 28, 2021 By John C Wright

Note that this tale first appeared in  Engineering Infinity, ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris Books, London (2011)

It is reprinted in ALL MEN DREAM OF EARTHWOMEN AND OTHER AEONS, and made available here in preview, as a courtesy to my readers.

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Judgement Eve is now posted.

In which the deadly mirth of the Sons of Typhon is described, on the final day of a condemned globe, and the Invigilators of the Will, whom the vulgar call angels, hover above the carnage on wings of light.


Scepter of Nowhere, part 7: My Last Day of Light

Posted July 21, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 7: My Last Day of Light is now posted.

I aimed at the golden satellite more carefully this time, picking which whorls in the design I thought might be the electromagnetic accelerators. I fired again, and again. The unseen ray sliced neatly through the golden sphere, and the release of energies were causing blue incandescence — maybe this was what fires looked like in zero gravity.



Scepter of Nowhere, part 6: Wormwood

Posted July 14, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 6: Wormwood, is now posted.

I was standing on the white diamond roof of a tower above the edge of the stratosphere. In the same way I could, by an act of will, eliminate the sensation of cold, I made it so the near-vacuum did not disturb me. My skin gleamed with some strange, luminous coating.

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Scepter of Nowhere, part 5: The Dancers of Utopia

Posted July 7, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 5: The Dancers of Utopia, is now posted.

In the center was a vast open space, paved with crystal clear as air. Underfoot was a ballroom on whose roof I stood. Here an endless congregation of nude figures, male and female, all of perfect form and physique, all adorned with crowns and rings and countless winking gems, were dancing in a long and sinuous line.

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Scepter of Nowhere, part 4: The Spiral Tower

Posted June 30, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 4: The Spiral Tower, is now posted.

It was the work of titans. It was a spiral tower of bronze and black metal, bright as a looking glass, easily half a mile across at its base, twisted like the horn of a unicorn, rising course upon course. Like an aqueduct, there reared arch after black arch, holding gates wide enough that an army eager to storm heaven could have emerged.


Scepter of Nowhere, part 3: I Could Not Catch Her

Posted June 23, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 3: I Could Not Catch Her, is now posted.

Fast as I trotted, I somehow could not catch her. She always was just out of reach, and in the blustery wind, just out of earshot.


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