Aeons Near and Far Archive

Scepter of Nowhere, part 2: I Opened my Eyes with Joy

Posted June 16, 2021 By John C Wright

Scepter of Nowhere, part 2: I Opened my Eyes with Joy, is now posted.

I opened my eyes, overwhelmed with a sense of joy. Eyesight had been restored to me. Light was mine. I was afraid that if I blinked, surely the sight would turn out to be delirium, and unending darkness would return.

Eventually I turned my head. I was lying, naked, in a bright chamber larger than a ballroom.



Scepter of Nowhere, part 1: It Happened So Quickly

Posted June 9, 2021 By John C Wright
Note that this tale first appeared in Dark Discoveries: Issue 31, ed. James R. Beach (Spring, 2015)

It is reprinted in ALL MEN DREAM OF EARTHWOMEN AND OTHER AEONS, and made available here in preview, as a courtesy to my readers.

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Scepter of Nowhere, part 1: It Happened So Quickly, is now posted.

It happened so quickly. We used to be human beings, you see. When I heard the bomb go off, I ran to the door at the end of the corridor.

1 Comment

Choosers of the Slain, Event Relic 3, The Land of the Young, is now posted.

Choosers of the Slain

As with all event relics gathered into the Great Museum of Man by the Time Wardens after the final extinction of mankind, this is only the current redaction.

What later chronomancers will add or alter, is, of course, a matter of speculation, based on those contemporary records of future events which our posterity allows to stand.

What makes this relic unusual is its stability. The Curator has yet no record of any variant timeline in which Prince-Chancellor Penthane displays a different character.

Some may be tempted to adduce from such illusions of stability that there are qualities of the human spirit which remain the same across all variations of time, which form a limit to the power of the Museum to edit history: but such speculation offends the dignity of the Time Wardens, and must be avoided, lest we be redacted ourselves by our own future.

*** *** ***

A new tale from another aeon, near or far, will be posted in this space next week.

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Choosers of the Slain, Event Relic 2, She Came from Places Far Beyond his Knowing, is now posted.

Choosers of the Slain

A due respect for the privacy of the dead requires public attention be moderated, lest it collapse the probability cloud into certainty. It is possible that the events depicted here are, and have been, subject to later revision, and never have had taken place. While that possibility remains viable, the Curator bans further observation.

But her name can be revealed: Sigrune.

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Note that this tale first appeared in Clockwork Phoenix, ed. Mike Allen, Norilana Books (July, 2008), CITY BEYOND TIME Tales of the Fall of Metachronopolis (anthology) Castalia House (June, 2014)
It is reprinted in ALL MEN DREAM OF EARTHWOMEN AND OTHER AEONS, and made available here in preview, as a courtesy to my readers.
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Choosers of the Slain, Event Relic 1, The Time was Autumn, is now posted.

Choosers of the Slain

The Curator of the Museum of Man demurs from releasing the date, or other temporal coordinate information, from the depiction of these events, as it is not verified whether, as of the last redaction of the aeon in question, they remain in a state of Shroedinger-waveform uncertainty.

All that is known is that the time was autumn.

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Forgotten Causes, 09 Burial Detail

Posted May 12, 2021 By John C Wright

Forgotten Causes, 09 Burial Detail, is now posted.

Forgotten Causes

This is the end. But not for me.


Forgotten Causes, 08 Rescue Operation

Posted May 5, 2021 By John C Wright

Forgotten Causes, 08 Rescue Operation, is now posted.

Forgotten Causes

You got to try to rescue the girl, at least try, even if she might be a robot. Even if it does not work.

Not everyone gets a happy ending. You try.


Forgotten Causes, 07 Countermeasures

Posted April 28, 2021 By John C Wright

Forgotten Causes, 07 Countermeasures, is now posted.

Forgotten Causes

Who would fight a war across the uncountable distances and meaningless emptiness of space? The damn nothingness is so damn big and so damn empty that everything men dream about doing, every cause they dream about fighting for, or against, means not a damn thing; not a damn thing at all; not hatred, not revenge, not anything.

Should I give the order to open fire?


Forgotten Causes, 06 Targeting Elements

Posted April 21, 2021 By John C Wright

Forgotten Causes, 06 Targeting Elements, is now posted.

Forgotten Causes

Negotiations broke down, and ended up in gunfire.

One good thing about being an amnesiac, is that I could not tell if this kind of thing was a habit with me. But somehow I think it is.

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Forgotten Causes, 05 Cooperation Required

Posted April 7, 2021 By John C Wright

Forgotten Causes, 05 Cooperation Required, is now posted.

Forgotten Causes

Good cop, bad cop routine. You know the drill. Having a gun pointed at my head always puts me in a bad mood.

But I have to admit, the dark-haired beauty asked a good question: what was the point in dying for a forgotten cause?

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Forgotten Causes, 04 Posthuman Envoy

Posted March 31, 2021 By John C Wright

Forgotten Causes, 04 Posthuman Envoy, is now posted.

Forgotten Causes

If she wasn’t human, she sure looked it.


Forgotten Causes, 03 Memory Discontinuity

Posted March 24, 2021 By John C Wright

Forgotten Causes, 03 Memory Discontinuity, is now posted.

Forgotten Causes

If this entry is disjointed, I am leaving it that way since that is what it seemed to be. Maybe nightmare. Maybe worse.

They say that at times, forgetting is a blessing. Now if I could only remember who “they” were, I would know what to make of it.

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Forgotten Causes, 02 Defense Condition

Posted March 17, 2021 By John C Wright

Forgotten Causes, 02 Defense Condition, is now posted.

Forgotten Causes

First contact and engagement with unknown hostiles was non-optimal. Sure, it looks like a total CF, but I feel I won that fight.


Forgotten Causes, 01 Secure Mission Posture

Posted March 10, 2021 By John C Wright
Note that this tale first appeared in Absolute Magnitude #16, Summer (2001) and was reprinted in Breach the Hull, ed. Mike McPhail, Marietta Publishing (October, 2007).
It is reprinted in ALL MEN DREAM OF EARTHWOMEN AND OTHER AEONS, and made available here in preview, as a courtesy to my readers.
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Forgotten Causes, 01 Secure Mission Posture, is now posted.

Forgotten Causes

Before I forget: This is not my after-action report. I’ll do that after I kill myself again, and turn into him. If he is still me, he can put it into proper context.

But in case he is not me, I wanted a brain-record of my raw impressions of how the cluster-foxtrot went down, from my point of view. This me, I mean.

Broken into several entries.


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Last Report on Unit Twenty-Two, Section Four, Issue Resolved and Note on Events Thereafter, is now posted.

Last Report on Unit Twenty-Two

The gentleman of the press are invited to ask any questions on the foregoing matters. Please use the keypads provided, since my client lacks the ability to hear and speak except by his artificial organs.

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A new tale from another aeon, near or far, will be posted in this space next week.