Choosers of the Slain, Event Relic 3, The Land of the Young, is now posted.
Choosers of the Slain
As with all event relics gathered into the Great Museum of Man by the Time Wardens after the final extinction of mankind, this is only the current redaction.
What later chronomancers will add or alter, is, of course, a matter of speculation, based on those contemporary records of future events which our posterity allows to stand.
What makes this relic unusual is its stability. The Curator has yet no record of any variant timeline in which Prince-Chancellor Penthane displays a different character.
Some may be tempted to adduce from such illusions of stability that there are qualities of the human spirit which remain the same across all variations of time, which form a limit to the power of the Museum to edit history: but such speculation offends the dignity of the Time Wardens, and must be avoided, lest we be redacted ourselves by our own future.
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A new tale from another aeon, near or far, will be posted in this space next week.