Golden Age Archive

The Golden Age Ep. 15: Living Gold and Adamantium

Posted June 29, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act the Golden Age forbids, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 15: Living Gold and Adamantium


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The Golden Age Ep. 14: A Room in Grim Reality

Posted June 23, 2023 By John C Wright

Ten days overdue, but here, finally, is the next episode:

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act the Golden Age forbids, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 14: A Room in Grim Reality


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The Golden Age Ep. 13: The Chamber of Memories

Posted June 7, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act the Golden Age forbids, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 13: The Chamber of Memories

“Sorrow, great sorrow, and deeds of renown without peer, within me sleep; for truth is here. Truth destroys the worst in man; pleasure destroys the best. If you love truth more than happiness, then open; otherwise, let rest.”


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The Golden Age Ep. 12: The Observationer

Posted June 1, 2023 By John C Wright

A day late, but nonetheless, here:

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act the Golden Age forbids, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 12: The Observationer


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The Golden Age Ep. 11: A Certain Rash Manorial

Posted May 24, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act the Golden Age forbids, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 11: A Certain Rash Manorial


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The Golden Age Ep. 10: The Storm Sculptor

Posted May 17, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act the Golden Age forbids, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 10: The Storm Sculptor



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The Golden Age Ep. 09: The Loss

Posted May 10, 2023 By John C Wright

The Golden Age Ep. 09: The Loss

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, living lives of perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act the Golden Age forbids, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 09: The Loss


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The Golden Age Ep. 08: The Logician

Posted May 4, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

In the far future, where humans have become as gods, and live in perfect peace and prosperity, Phaethon of Rhadamanthus House, discovers centuries of his memory are lost. Like his namesake, has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act forbidden in utopia, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. Now his quest is to find himself.

Episode 08: The Logician


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The Golden Age Ep. 07: The Soldier

Posted April 26, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

In the far future, humans have become as gods: immortal, nigh omnipotent, able to engineer planets, tame solar output, ignite gas giants, and to resculpt body and mind. A trusting son of this glorious future, Phaethon of Radamanthus House, discovers the rulers of the solar system have erased entire centuries from his mind. Like his namesake, he has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act forbidden in his utopian universe, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. His quest is to rediscover himself.

Episode 07: The Soldier


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The Golden Age Ep. 06: Even in Arcadia

Posted April 19, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

In the far future, humans have become as gods: immortal, nigh omnipotent, able to engineer planets, tame solar output, ignite gas giants, and to resculpt body and mind. A trusting son of this glorious future, Phaethon of Radamanthus House, discovers the rulers of the solar system have erased entire centuries from his mind. Like his namesake, he has flown too high, and must be cast down: for he has committed the one act forbidden in his utopian universe, to have ambitions higher than utopia can contain. His quest is to rediscover himself.

Episode 06: Even in Arcadia


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The Golden Age Ep. 05: The Peers Ponder Futurity

Posted April 12, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is also reprinting such excerpts.

Volume I: The Golden Age
Prologue: Celebrations of the Immortals
Episode 05: The Peers Ponder Futurity

The other six Peers, each with different thinking-speed and thinking-processes, absorbed or pored over examined over 92 hundred projections of the effect of the next Transcendence on the upcoming Millennium, either directly, or (for those without permanent mental augmentations on staff), through auxiliary minds.

A gap in Helion’s memory edited out this wait, and brought his time and time-sense current to the next point in the conversation. To him, there was no pause. It may have been hours, or merely seconds, later.

The undisputed informal leader of the Peers, Orpheus Myriad Avernus,  was not physically present, there or anywhere.  He was the eldest and wealthiest of the Seven.  He presented himself to Helion’s senses as a dark-haired, pale-skinned youth, whose face had a haunting lack of expression, but with eyes unblinking, inward-looking, deeply self-absorbed.  He wore a long black Plutonian thermal-cape of a style so quaint and so far out of fashion that, only during a masquerade, would it pass without comment.  The wide neck-piece rose almost to his ears, and the paudrons extended past his shoulders, making his head seem small and child-like.

Orpheus spoke in a very soft voice: “We applaud the sentiment expressed by our newest peer.  When conditions are optimal, any change, by definition, is decay.  And Helion knows, all too well, how chaos, disloyalty, and recklessness can be found within our own households and holdings, and even within the hearts of those nearest to us.”

For a moment, no one spoke.  All eyes were fixed on Helion.  An embarrassed silence hung over the room.

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The Golden Age Ep. 04: To Halt the Wheel of History

Posted April 5, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is reprinting the excerpts mirrored here, from time to time.

Volume I: The Golden Age
Chapter 01: The Old Man
Episode 04: To Halt the Wheel of History

Elsewhere, Helion was also discontented.

In Aurelian mansion, seven entities of very different schools, life-principles, neuroforms, and appearance were meeting privately.  They had three things in common: wealth, age, and ambition.

The Seven Peers were actually sitting in a tall, many-windowed library, with thought-icons on the oak-paneled walls.  Each Peer saw the chamber differently.

The most recently admitted Peer was named Helion Relic (undetermined) Rhadamanth Humodified (augment, with multiple synnoetic sensory channels) Self-composed, Radial Hierarchic Multi-partial (multiple parallel and partial, with subroutines) , Base Neuroformed,  Silver-Grey Manorial School, Era 50 (‘The Time of the Second Immortality’.)

He was the only manor-born present, and was more than a little pleased that his School, the Silver-Grey, was singled out from among the other schools of the manorials for this dignity.

Helion’s self-image wore the costume of a Byzantine Imperator from the time of the Second Mental Structure, with a many-rayed diadem of pearly white, and robe of Tyrian purple.

“My Peers, it is with great pride and honor I take my place among you.  I trust that the legal issues surrounding the question of my continuity of identity are acceptable to everyone here?”

There was a signal of concurrence from the Peers, which Helion’s sensorium interpreted as nods and murmurs of assent.

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The Golden Age Ep. 03: Hidden in the Sense Filter

Posted March 29, 2023 By John C Wright

Excerpts from THE GOLDEN AGE, my debut novel from 2001. Arkhaven Comics is reprinting the excerpts mirrored here.

Episode 03

Hidden in the Sense Filter

The man was speaking: “You are blind to what is plain before your eyes!  Behold the mirrored layer of tissue growing over all these leaves.  It is to block the true sun from the knowledge of these plants.  Tracking a sun, which merely rises and sets, is easier than anticipating retrograde motion, I assure you.  Complex habits, painfully learned through generations, would be instantly thrown aside in one blast of true sunlight.  And therefore these little flowers have a mechanism to keep the truth at bay.  Strange that I’ve made the blocking tissue look mirrored; you can see your own face in it… if you look.”

This comment verged on insult.  Phaethon replied hotly: “Or perhaps the tissue merely protects them from irritants, good sir!”

“Hah!  So the puppy has teeth after all, eh?  Have I irked you, then?  This is Art also!”

“If Art is an irritant, like grit, good sir, then spend your genius praising the society cosmopolitan enough to tolerate it!  How do you think simple societies maintain their simplicity?  By intolerance.  Men hunt; women gather; virgins guard the sacred flame.  Anyone who steps outside their stereotypic social roles is crushed.”

“Well, well, young manor-born — you are a manorial, are you not?  Your words sound like someone taught by machines — what you don’t know, young manor-born, is that cosmopolitan societies are sometimes just as ruthless about crushing those who don’t conform.  Look at how unhappy they made that reckless boy, what’s-his-name, that Phaethon.  There are worse things in store for him, I tell you!”

“I beg your pardon?” Strange.  The sensation was not unlike stepping for a nonexistent stair, or having apparently solid ground give way underfoot.  Phaethon wondered if he had somehow wandered into a simulation or a pseudomnesia-play without noticing it. “But… I am Phaethon.  I am he.  What in the world do you mean?”  And he took off the mask he wore.

“No, no.  I mean the real Phaethon.  Though you are quite bold to show up at a masquerade like this, dressed in his face.  Bold.  Or tasteless!”

“But I am he!” A bewildered note began to creep into his voice.

“So you are Phaethon, eh?  No, no, I think not.  He is not welcome at parties.”

Not welcome?  Him?  Rhadamanthus House was the oldest mansion of the Silver-Grey, and the Silver-Grey was, in turn, the third oldest Scholum in the entire Manorial movement. Rhadamanthus boasted over 7600 members just of the elite communion, and not to mention tens of thousands of collaterals, partials and secondaries.  Not welcome?  Phaethon’s sire and gene-template was Helion, founder of the Silver-Grey and archon of Rhadamanthus.  Phaethon was welcome everywhere!

The strange old man was still speaking: “You could not be him: Phaethon wears grim and brooding black and proud gold; not in frills like those.”

(For a moment, oddly enough, Phaethon could not quite recall how he usually dressed.  But surely he had no reason to dress in grim colors.  Did he?  He was not a grim man.  Was he?)

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The Golden Age Ep. 02: The Age of Saturn

Posted March 22, 2023 By John C Wright

Episode 2

The Age of Saturn

He wandered far, to a place he had not seen before. Beyond the gardens, in an isolated dell, he entered a grove of silver-crowned trees. He paced slowly through the grove, hands clasped behind his back, sniffing the air and gazing up at the stars between the leaves above. In the gloom, the dark and fine-grained bark was like black silk, and the leaves had mirror tissues, so that when the night breeze blew, the reflections of moonlight overhead rippled like silver lake water.

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The Golden Age Ep. 01: Celebrations of the Immortals

Posted March 15, 2023 By John C Wright

As a lagniappe to my beloved readers, I here present The Golden Age, my debut novel from 2001.

It was for this novel that Publisher’s Weekly said “It’s already clear, however, that Wright may be this fledgling century’s most important new SF talent.” — a bit of a jest, because, of course, in January of 2001, the fledgling century was only two weeks old. So I was being called the most important author of the month.

Arkhaven Comics is reprinting the excerpts mirrored here. Their comment:

The Golden Oecumene is a utopian society of an immortal posthumanity that has transcended the limits of Earth. But even in utopia, there are rebels. A grand space opera by SF grandmaster John C. Wright.

***   ***   ***

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