Below is republished an except from Chapter 5 of the forthcoming book Fields & Energy by our own beloved Hans G. Schantz whose Hidden Truth books I have previously reviewed.
Fields & Energy is nonfiction, being presented on Substack prior to publication.
The work is divided into a description of how modern physics followed generations of error, and a description of a radical new theory consistent the foundations of classical mechanics but which preserves known empirical results. This theory overturns the current standard model of Quantum Mechanics.
The section quoted here deals with the state of public relations at the time when Albert Einstein was first presented to the public as a genius revolutionizing physics.
This section is quoted to publicize the sinister science of public relations, (otherwise known as mass mesmerism); to publicize the book; and the author; and the theory.
Subscribe, please, to his Substack columns here.
The excerpt below is presented without comment. The words are Han Schantz’ .
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