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Here it is, folks:

Once, in a theater long ago and far, far away, young audiences thrilled to the nostalgic space epic of yesteryear, known then only as STAR WARS, and were duly enthralled. So much goodwill, so much affection, so much love has rarely been lavished on any franchise. So much money from so many eager fans was never so readily available.

And yet, with one potent Deathstar-like blast of mind-breakingly awful film making, the Disney Corporation has managed to alienate that goodwill, spurn that affection, and lose that money.

Why? What makes THE LAST JEDI so appallingly bad?

What made the film maker think he could win over his audience by insulting his audience?

John C. Wright’s epic takedown of Disney’s The Last Jedi, a Critical Autopsy of a Galaxy Far Far Away.

See The Last Straw on Amazon

PS. If you were a backer for the Starquest campaign, a copy of the ebook is included in your Perks.

Starquest–April Fool’s style

Jagi here:

In honor of the august occasion of April Fools, here are the latest images for the upcoming Starquest Card Game: Read the remainder of this entry »

Final Day of the Starquest Indiegogo Campaign!

In honor of Starquest’s space pirates and St. Nicholas Day, I give you:

Pirate Santa!

Wish I could find the artist to give credit. Amazing picture!

Ready for some swashbuckling fun…in space! Come visit the Starquest Indiegogo campaign before it closes tomorrow evening!

We have unlocked the fourth stretch goal!  All four Starquest Episodes (books) are a reality!

Fifth stretch goal is: A Tie-In Card Game…help fund the card game that will allow you to play out a Starquest adventure or, if all goes well someday, to play Starquest verses Oz!

For every $500 the campaign makes between $11,000 and $13,000, backers of Pirate Hunter and above will receive a Starquest collector’s card (usable in the game.) If we reach $14,000, three more cards will be added to make a 7-card promo pack.

Happy St. Nicholas’s Day!

So what are those perks?


We have added two new perks
for those who requested signed copies of all four books!


Jagi again — only a few days left on the Starquest Campaign, then you can get John and his normal posts back.

Some people have asked what the perks are, not realizing that more info comes up if you click on them. Here they are!

Slug Farmer                                         $1
Great things come from lowly beginnings. Jaywind Starquest himself began life as a slug farmer. No reward at this level except for our gratitude for showing faith and adding to the backer count.

Star Patrolman                                     $10
Receive complete ebook of Starquest #1 before it goes on sale for the public.

Pirate-Hunter                                       $25
Includes a pre-release ebook and a signed copy of the trade paper version when it becomes available.

Templar Squire                                     $40
Templars know the will of the stars. Even the squires understand good from evil. Included with this is an ebook of The Last Straw, John C. Wright’s 16 Chapter review of The Last Jedi. (An audio version of The Last Straw, read by Cooking with the Celts star Ken Dickason, is included.)

Privateer                                               $50
Privateers stop pirates and bad spelling! Join the creative team by getting a chance to read Starquest #1 before it is finalized, giving you a chance to see it first–and to comment on any mistakes you might catch

Templar Master                                     $125
Templar Masters have powers undreamed of–including the ability to alter history by naming a minor character or historical hero. (Name must be one that fits the Starquest universe.)

Star Captain or Space Princess             $250
Be in the book! Appear as a Space Pirate or other minor character. Names may need to be altered to fit milieu: example John Williams might become Pirate Johnny Will. Creative team will work with contributors to find appropriate presentation. (Or, you may choose to appear in the Moth and Cobweb or Books of Unexpected Enlightenment series.)

Star Maiden                                         $500
Have a John C. Wright book (not Starquest) dedicated to you. John has several books waiting to come out that need covers, including The Last Straw, two collections of non-fiction articles, a collection of short stories, and more. This will cover the price of a cover, and the book that cover is used on will be dedicated to you!

Galactic Emperor                                   $750
Have a book dedicated to you! Donate enough for an entire cover and have a Starquest book dedicated to you! From now until eternity you will be able to show all and sundry your name displayed with a testament of gratitude on the Dedication Page of the novel. (Four Starquest novels are planned currently. Only four of these available.)

Templar Grandmaster                 $2000
Commission a Short Story! The Grandmaster knows secrets known only to the Will of the Stars. Commission John C. Wright or L. Jagi Lamplighter to write a story for you, either about one of their existing characters or another topic to be mutually agreed upon. (Copyrights to the story remains with the author.)

OVER 9000!!!

Jagi here.

The Starquest campaign is now, actually, over $9000!

No one is more astonished than I.

Visit the Starquest Campaign on Indiegogo

Third Stretch Goal Reached!

Starquest, Episode Three: Captain Ansteel vs the Death Guard of the Empire! — will now become a reality.

Back the Starquest Indiegogo Campaign

Cover Reveal for New Jon Del Arroz Space Opera–a Perk with Starquest!

Jagi here:

The STARQUEST Indiegogo campaign is just over $150 away
from unlocking the second stretch goal!

Should we succeed, every backer of the Templar Squire level and above will gain the award of a pre-publication review copy of the new Jon Del Arroz space opera, coming soon from Silver Empire.

The amazing cover of which is revealed…HERE:

So come back STARQUEST — and get two excellent space operas!

Also noted, Jon Del Arroz’s new short story collection has just hit the shelves:

Starquest — First Stretch Goal Funded!

The first stretch goal has been unlocked!

And it is: a foreword by Nick Cole

We are more than half way to the second stretch goal–which is Starquest, Episode (book) Two: Shadow Fox verses the Inscrutable Illuminati of Andromeda! ( or perhaps Shadow Fox vs. the Inner Circle of Outer Space? Title still in progress)

With this, Templar Squire backers and above will get a before-publication review copy of the next space opera by fellow Make Space Opera Great Again author, Jon Del Arroz.


Visit Starquest campaign on Indiegogo

Starquest Funds!

Starquest Indiegogo Campaign

Jagi, here!

We have reached our first goal–this means Starquest Episode (book) One is a reality!

Help us spread the word and unlock the first stretch goal: a forward from Galaxy’s Edge author, Nick Cole! We are already nearly halfway there!

Here is some information on what you can do to spread the word.

We will draw our first two gratitude gift winners tomorrow! Thank you all so much for helping to make this become a reality!

Have a lovely rest of your Thanksgiving holiday weekend!

Starquest Crowdfunder Goes Live!

And, YES, there will be space princesses!

Details and prize descriptions are on the Campaign Page:

Read the remainder of this entry »